2025 Season
Season Tickets now available on web or by calling Bob Duzdevich 209-419-0744
Regular tickets will be available on 2/20/25
Digital Program Bookshelf

Bus Stop
A group of passengers stuck in a snowstorm in a small diner in Kansas. Each with their own story to tell. Love, passion, introspection, and sadness all combine to create an amazing montage of life that transcends time and generation. This play is sure to tickle...

Ebenezer Scrooge’s BIG Volcano Christmas Show
A fast paced, irreverent, and theatrical retelling of A Christmas Carol.November 7 - December 13, 2025IN THE COBBLESTONE THEATRE Sponsored by Volcano Communications 20004 State Hwy 88Pine Grove, CA 95665 209-296-7502

Murder’s Bad But Monday Can Kill You
Harry Monday, that Sam Spade wannabe detective is back. This time 3 people have been done to death at the Restful Glen Psychiatric Annex. Will multiple suspects, with multiple personalities drive Harry crazy as he tries to figure who dunnit?June 13 - August 2,...

Meanwhile, Back on the Couch
A sexy novel mistakenly submitted to a publisher lands a psychiatrist in hot water with his "crazy" patient!August 22 - September 27, 2025IN THE COBBLESTONE THEATRE Sponsored by Java Drive 10765 CA-49, Jackson, CA 209-223-4377
Support Your Local Theatre!
There are many ways to support Volcano Theatre Company, from acting in one of our shows to volunteering to help with set design, costuming, lighting, amphitheatre maintenance, or simply by making a donation…